Monday, September 21, 2009


I have now been awake for more than 21 hours.

I'm sure I can make it now. But it's taking a chunk of will power.
My husband is awake. I hope he slept well.

I heard the first mocking bird singing at 6:15
Working afternoon shifts, I usually miss that.

It's even getting tough to focus on my typing.
I'm constantly having to hit 'delete' to make this legible

I watched Fellowship of the Ring up until "Fool of a Took!"
I had to turn it off. Even though my favorite part was coming up,
Gandalf's battle with the Balrog

Dunno how many LTC's I made. Definitely not enough.
I'm thinking of turning the stamp into a personal traveler. But I have a load of those now.

Trying to decide what to do next to keep myself up and running.

Running out of options

Hitting the wall

It's 4:32 am. And I've hit the wall.
I knew this would be about the time it would happen.

But hey! I carved a stamp!
My first self portrait, not that flattering. But I think it conveys exactly how I feel right now.

I'll see how many limited edition LTC's I can churn out tonight. If you want one, you know how to contact me

I used scrapbooking paper in this. I've done this before. I like the way the paper inspires me.

I watched Return of the Jedi on tv. He's Luke's father?!
Nothing on now but info-mertials.
So I popped in a News Boys cd to get me by for now. I might watch a bit of Lord of the Rings later.
A bit more stamping for now

Sunday, September 20, 2009

9 more hours

First and formost, I want everybody to know that I am ok.
Really, I am

But I have a "glitch". It seems that I have a balancing issue when I walk.

My doctor wants me to have a sleep deprived EEG at 9:45 in the morning. I have to stay awake for 24 hours before the test. I have nine more to go.

I'm not writing this for a pity party. Just something to do to try to stay awake!
It might be fun to watch my brain melt down.

I'll probably take some pictures later tonight too.

I've got some plans tonight. I'd like to carve a new stamp and use it for a new LTC I'll call "Wired". I was also thinking of calling it "Fried"

I'm also doing mundane stuff like laundry and dishes. I may also watch all of Lord of the Rings on DVD.
I'll try to break up the evening.

So it's 12:54 far so good.